This week we’re celebrating 2 years at our new location in the Heights. In that time, we’ve had hundreds of athletes through our doors and you’ve all, on one forum or another, voiced your praises, opinions and critiques of our services. While we love positive reinforcement, it’s the constructive criticisms that keep us on our toes.
The biggest complaint of 2015? “Tad isn’t available when I need him to be.”
It’s a full time job explaining to clients how our services (and their associated costs) compare to a typical bike shop, so we’ve reinvented our schedule, added services you’ve all asked for, tweaked our prices and process to double THC’s availability in an effort to streamline an antiquated ideology that fit is expensive and time consuming.
On Thursday, December 10, we invite you to a rare THC Town Hall to hear our new prospectus, process and pricing directly from the horse’s mouth, Tad Hughes. We’ll also be unveiling our Preferred Shop Partners and introducing you to some of Houston’s most fit-forward shop owners to bring you a first-hand perspective on the synergy between shop and studio. THC 2.0 has arrived.
Let us know you’re coming. Click here for Facebook Event RSVP. Doors open at 5:30 pm. Cold beer on tap.