Cycling & Triathlon Clubs

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What kind of club am I joining?

Tad Hughes Custom Fit Studio is a registered club with USA Cycling and USA Triathlon.

How do I join?

Once logged into your USAC or USAT account, you’ll select “Tad Hughes Custom Fit Studio” as your club affiliation.

How much?

It’s absolutely free to join our club but you’ll pay your annual license dues to USA Cycling and/or USA Triathlon.

What exactly am I committing myself to?

Much like our fit business, our clubs are open to all athletes at any stage in their sport.  You have no obligation other than to race in your purchased, low-key THC kit. We’re self reliant and don’t have sponsors… because we support everyone. In simpler terms, no new clothing designs year after year.

Have more questions?

Jess has answers.

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