Dear Clients, Friends and #Bikefit Evangelists Worldwide,
It is with great pride we announce our move to a new location in just a few weeks. We’ve enjoyed our time at Houston Cycling Centres – Spring Valley and owe them a debt of gratitude for the space they provided us. To say we’re appreciative of everything they’ve done would be an understatement. Jim, Bob, James and Cindy are truly pioneers in Houston’s cycling industry and for that we should all thank them. Our move away from their shop simply reflects a need to expand our custom fit business to accommodate our growing clientele in a larger, dedicated arena.
So what does this mean for our clients?
You now have a new hang out for all things custom fit. No more rushing out so the next client can get in. Come. Stay. Relax. Have a beer. Watch a race. Our new space will have a dedicated custom fit studio in addition to an expanded custom footbed program, a modest retail section and of course a quirky lounge.
Retail, eh?
Not to worry. You’ll still need to visit your local bike shop if you’re in the market for a new bike or need to get yours worked on. We’ll continue to work with and recommend our large network of bike shops as we always have based on the needs of our clients.
So where’s the new place?
We’re not ready to dish the address yet. Just know it’s conveniently located near I-10, I-45 and Loop 610 offering easier access to more major thoroughfares… a huge request from clients frustrated from sitting in the I-10 parking lot.
When’s the big move?
We’ll continue to see clients at the current location through Friday, November 1, 2013. After that, it’s on to greener pastures. THC green.
Over the next few weeks please visit our Facebook page for special announcements, photos of Studio 2.0, new cycling analysis technology and a Grand Opening Shindig date.